Reference Source: Our Free eBook List.
We have already introduced some transmission methods for successful viral marketing in our last post. Now we continue to cite you some practical examples how viral marketing techniques can be applied to different market situations like e-Book selling.
How to Get Your Own Viral e-Books Well-Known?
Let us take e-Book selling as an example, and assume one has already made his own viral e-books. He must have amazed at the perfect job he has done for those eBooks. However, as long as they are still in his possession, he cannot actually benefit from them unless his potential customers can know that he has such great ebooks and it is worth buying them from him. He must firstly ensure the entire internet world gets noted about his great ebooks and begin making them viral.
But the real questions are: how exactly one can do to get his viral e-books well-known for as many customers as possible? How can one promote or advertise his own ebooks successfully?
Viral e-Books Promotion Methods
The key purpose of making viral e-books should be to generate profitable sales successfully and also increase your sale revenue as fast as possible. For achieving this purpose, your viral ebooks must have maximum customer exposure. The following are the 7 steps for success:
(i) As a first step, one shall define clearly his own target market. A clearly-defined matrix of audiences will surely make his marketing efforts more efficient and effective.
(ii) Next step one shall do is to create at least an ezine or a newsletter that can reach his own target market successfully. Remember to build an email list of newsletter subscribers who may eventually become your potential customers. Your viral marketing newsletter should have included useful tips, articles or other news updates about your own products or services.
Your ezine or newsletter must also feature prominently your own viral e-books. It is definitely useless to create a newsletter if your main website, products or services are not being promoted there. Bear in mind that promoting any service, product or ebook inside your newsletter shall be performed in a non-obvious manner.
(iii) After one successfully finishes putting right content in his newsletter or ezine, it is important to get real subscribers for his newsletter. One popular way for acquiring subscribers is to add a special-designed webpage in his website where visitors can easily subscribe. Adding a little pop-under box where visitors can get noted and input their email addresses for newsletter subscription should also work, although this marketing method may seem a bit too annoying.
To further boost the number of subscribers, try listing newsletter or ezine on inner pages of certain high traffic sites or some group subscription entry forms. Go signing up a publisher free account on popular viral marketing websites can also be highly beneficial as one can list his own ezine in their marketing directories.
(iv) Aside from ezine or newsletter promotion, one can also market his viral e-books actively on any website he owned. One perfect way for getting them easily seen by visitors in any website is to devote a special-designed webpage just for viral ebooks. Listing eBooks together with many other services or products will not sound like a good idea.
Make sure your visitors can find information easily about viral e-books anywhere in your own website. Feature your ebooks on all webpages, if possible, or make a notable navigation bar for better visibility. Featuring some well-written excerpts from your ebooks can also arouse curiosity of visitors and then eventually lead them to buy your viral ebooks.
(v) Any author of ebooks shall always include interesting background information about himself in his e-Books or newsletter. It is because if more people know well about his background, the more likely they will eventually build trust and loyalty on his products or services. Adding a personal photo can also build more credibility for one's personality.
(vi) There are many good e-book directories in the internet. Your viral ebooks should get listed in as many e-book directories as possible for obtaining more customer exposures. Participating in forums relating to the topics of your ebooks should also be one useful way of active marketing. You may post new threads or reply to existing threads created by other people who are interested in what your viral ebooks are talking about.
If, however, one wants to make it all by his own efforts, it will consume all of his valuable time and will surely be not so efficient. A good suggestion is to outsource parts of those marketing tasks that consume too much of your time. Do remember not to overdo or spam the forums as it would produce a negative image of your products or services.
(vii) Do apply any of our mentioned principles about effective viral marketing if one wishes to maximize customer exposures. Try giving out your own e-book summary for free to anyone who may find them interesting or useful. You only need to build a list of your own potential customers and then send your e-book summary for free to them via emails. Just ensure that your emails do not appear as any spam messages, or else they will just be filtered by email systems. It may also damage the image of your ebooks and cannot reach their full potential that they should desire for.
The above 7 steps are just a few practical examples on how you shall promote your viral e-books successfully. In fact, there are still many other marketing opportunities that you may try. Just be creative or imaginative. However, the above methods should be sufficient enough for anyone to begin marketing ebooks.
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